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A political straight jacket

I feel disgusted, frustrated and fearful

Photo credits: Rebecca A. Fristedt

I went to the Refugees welcome manifestation in Lund a few weeks ago, and I left feeling frustration, fear and disgust. Frustration over the fact that people had gathered to give themselves a pat on the back for being there — as if just showing up to this event actually made a difference to the refugees arriving at Malmö central. Fear because this meeting was so blatantly apolitical — even though the youth groups of established political parties arranged it, it was apolitical. So why not address the political tools available for addressing the crisis? This picture represents a protest to those parties and youth groups, calling for a political discussion about a very political situation.

But then I settle down, and I just feel disgusted. I donate clothes etc., but how does that resolve anything other than the most acute? I’m disgusted because I, to some extent, agree with the people who protested the manifestation, but all in all, they are just another youth group of an established political party, patting themselves on the back for being there. I wish I could say that the refugee crisis has left me with a restored faith in humanity, but I just feel frustrated, fearful and disgusted.

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